In this tutorial we will learn how to handle command line arguments in Shell Programming.
We use command line arguments to provide input to shell script.
$ sh filename.sh argument1 argument2 ... argumentN
Where, filename.sh
is a shell script file and argument1
, argument2
... argumentN
are list of arguments.
$ sh greetings.sh Hello World
In the above example, greetings.sh
is the script file. Hello
and World
are the arguments.
There are some special variables that we get to handle command line arguments in shell programming.
variableThis holds the name of the script.
... $N
variablesThese variables hold the arguments provided to the script.
variableThis variable hold the total number of arguments passed to the script.
and $*
variablesThey both holds the list of arguments provided to the script.
# display the file name
echo "The name of the script file is $0"
# display total number of arguments passed to the script
echo "Total number of arguments passed to the script = $#"
# display all the arguments using for loop
if [ $# -gt 0 ]
echo "List of arguments:"
for arg in $@
echo "$arg"
echo "No argument provided to the script."
$ sh example01.sh
The name of the script file is example01.sh
Total number of arguments passed to the script = 0
No argument provided to the script.
$ sh example01.sh My name is Yusuf Shakeel
The name of the script file is example01.sh
Total number of arguments passed to the script = 5
List of arguments:
In the above script we are using the $0
variable to get the name of the script file i.e., example01.sh
We are using the $#
command to get the total number of arguments passed to the script file.
We are using if statement to check if the user provided any argument to the script. If $# is 0 then we echo No argument provided to the script
If the user provides 1 or more number of arguments to the script file then $# is greater than 0 and so, we use the for loop to pick each argument stored in variable $@
and assign it to variable arg
Then, inside the body of the for loop we echo each of the arguments.
variableThis variable holds the exit value of the last run command or return code from a function.
So, for example if we call a function that is supposed to return any value back then we can get that returned value using the $?
In the following example we are checking if argument was provided based on return code from a function call.
# function to check number of arguments passed to the script
function isArgumentPresent {
if [ $1 -gt 0 ]
return 0 # success code
return 1 # failure code
# calling the function
# and passing number of arguments passed to the script
isArgumentPresent $#
# get the returned code
# check returnedCode
if [ $returnedCode -eq 0 ]
echo "Arguments present!"
echo "Arguments not present!"
$ sh example02.sh hello world
Arguments present!
$ sh example02.sh
Arguments not present!
variableThis variable holds the PID i.e., Process IDentifier of the currently running script.
One use case of PID is to append it when creating temporary files from the script.
Example: temp-file-$$.tmp
echo "PID of the current file is $$"
$ sh example03.sh
PID of the current file is 71084
variableThis variable holds the PID of the last run background process.
echo "The PID of the last run background process was $!"
$ sh example04.sh
The PID of the last run background process was 84014