jQuery Interview Questions - Set 2

jQuery Interview Questions

This page consists of jQuery interview questions and answers.

Q1: How will you select an element by id in jQuery?

To select an element by id in jQuery we use the # sign followed by the id.

In the following example we are selecting an element having id 'super'.

var el = $("#super");

Q2: How will you select elements by class in jQuery?

To select elements by class in jQuery we use the . sign followed by the class.

In the following example we are selecting all the elements having class 'apple'.

var elems = $(".apple");

Q3: How will you add 'awesome' class and remove 'not-cool' class from all the elements having class 'action' using jQuery?

For this we will first select all the elements having class 'action'.

var elems = $('.action');

To add 'awesome' class name to the selected elements we will use the addClass() method.


To remove 'not-cool' class name from the selected elements we will use the removeClass() method.


So, our final jQuery code will look like the following.

var elems = $('.action');

Q4: How will you select all the paragraphs inside a div having id 'container' using jQuery?

For this we will use the following CSS selector div#container p.

var elems = $('div#container p');

Q5: How will you select all the direct descendent paragraphs in a div having id 'container' using jQuery?

For this we will use the following CSS selector div#container > p.

var elems = $('div#container > p');

Q6: How will you hide all the elements having class 'hide-me' using jQuery?

For this we will first select all the elements having class 'hide-me' and then using the hide() method we will hide them.

// first select all the elements by class
var elems = $('.hide-me');

// now hide them

Q7: How will you show all the elements having class 'show-me' using jQuery?

For this we will first select all the elements having class 'show-me' then using the show() method we will show them.

// first select all the elements by class
var elems = $('.show-me');

// now show them

Q8: How will you get the content of an input text field having id 'username' using jQuery?

For this we will first select the input field using id and then using the val() method we will get the value of the selected input field.

// select the element
var el = $('#username');

// get the value
var value = el.val();

Q9: How will you select a paragraph having id 'description' and get its text content using jQuery?

For this we will first select the paragraph using id. Then we will use the text() method to get the content of the paragraph.

// select the paragraph
var p = $('#description');

// get the content
var content = p.text();

Q10: How will you set the text of all the paragraphs having class 'message' to 'Hello World' using jQuery?

For this we will first select all the paragraphs by class 'message'. Then using the text() method we will set the content to 'Hello World'.

// select all the paragraphs having class 'message'
var elems = $('p.awesome');

// now set the message
elems.text('Hello World');