In this tutorial we will learn to run predefined tasks under Grunt watch.
In previous tutorials we have learned to create custom tasks, and concatenate files, and minify javascript and css files using plugins. In this tutorial we will be using Grunt watch plugin to run predefined tasks.
The idea of watch is to run tasks whenever watched file pattern are added, deleted or changed.
Let us assume that we have the following project structure. The name of the project is grunt-project.
So, inside the css folder we have style1.css and style2.css files.
Let's say we want to minify files inside the css folder and create style.min.css file in the dist folder. And we want to do this whenever a new stylesheet file is added, or existing stylesheet file is edited or deleted.
We will be writing the following code in Gruntfile.js file.
module.exports = function(grunt) {
//project configurations
//this is for minifying css files
cssmin : {
target : {
src : ["css/*.css"],
dest : "dist/style.min.css"
//this is the watch
watch : {
scripts : {
files : ["css/*.css"],
tasks : ["cssmin"]
//load plugin
//create default task
grunt.registerTask("default", ["watch"]);
So, let's get started.
Run the following command in the terminal to install watch plugin in the project.
$ npm install grunt-contrib-watch --save-dev
Open Gruntfile.js file and type the following.
module.exports = function(grunt) {
It is a function that is used in every Grunt file and its plugins.
Now, write the following code inside the function.
We are passing an object to the initConfig
method of Grunt. This object will hold all our configuration.
Now, inside the object set the cssmin
property to the following value.
cssmin : {
target : {
src : ["css/*.css"],
dest : "dist/style.min.css"
In the above code we are adding the target property. We are saying to Grunt that our source src files are inside the css folder and are .css
files. And we want the minified file to have a name style.min.css and we want it inside the dist folder.
Now, inside the object set the watch
property to the following value.
watch : {
scripts : {
files : ["css/*.css"],
tasks : ["cssmin"]
In the above code we are adding the scripts property. And we are watching all .css
files that are inside the css folder. And whenever a new stylesheet file is added or changed or deleted we want the cssmin
task to get executed.
To load the cssmin plugin write the following code.
To load the watch plugin write the following code.
Now, at the end we will create a default task for the Grunt by typing the following code.
grunt.registerTask("default", ["watch"]);
Finally to run the task type the grunt
command in the terminal and it will start watching the css folder.
YUSUF-MacBook-Pro:grunt-project yusufshakeel$ grunt
Running "watch" task
>> File "css/style1.css" changed.
Running "cssmin:target" (cssmin) task
>> 1 file created. 207 B → 122 B
Completed in 0.808s at Sun Mar 05 2017 18:05:55 GMT+0530 (IST) - Waiting...
>> File "css/style3.css" added.
Running "cssmin:target" (cssmin) task
>> 1 file created. 207 B → 122 B
Completed in 0.897s at Sun Mar 05 2017 18:08:08 GMT+0530 (IST) - Waiting...
>> File "css/style3.css" changed.
Running "cssmin:target" (cssmin) task
>> 1 file created. 228 B → 122 B
Completed in 0.700s at Sun Mar 05 2017 18:08:32 GMT+0530 (IST) - Waiting...
To stop the watch type Ctrl+C in the terminal.
After the watch ends we will get some minified css content.
That's all for this tutorial. Have fun coding.