Exercise 2


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Q1. Find the sum of the numbers in each set.

You are given hundred numbers divided in ten sets in the following order.

Set 1: 1-10

Set 2: 11-20

Set 3: 21-30

Set 10: 91-100

You have to draw a flowchart that will print the sum of each set.


To solve this problem we have to apply the concept of loop which was covered in exercise-1.

Algorithm in simple English

  1. Initialize count = 1 and i = 1 (PROCESS)
  2. Check if i is less than or equal to 10 (DECISION)
    if YES then perform step 3
    else STOP
  3. Set sum = 0 and j = 1 (PROCESS)
  4. Check if j is less than or equal to 10 (DECISION)
    if YES then perform step 5
    else perform step 9
  5. Add count to sum
    sum = sum + count (PROCESS)
  6. Increment count by 1
    count = count + 1 (PROCESS)
  7. Increment j by 1
    j = j + 1 (PROCESS)
  8. Go to Step 4
  9. Print sum (I/O)
  10. Increment i by 1
    i = i + 1 (PROCESS)
  11. Go to Step 2


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